
Praca - ogólny 2

wykonań: 155, śr. wynik: 52%, poziom: 3, profil: Gimnazjum Szkoła średnia Matura Dorośli

Podaj brakującą formę

  1. She spent three months looking for /pracy/ ... .

  2. The money you receive weekly is called:

  3. Someone who works physically can also be called a ... worker.

  4. My uncle made lots of money by ... his own company in Sydney.

  5. The tax that you pay proportionally to the money you make is called ... tax.

  6. If you start work at different times each week it means you work ... .

  7. If your job gives you no chances of development it is a ... job.

  8. If you come late to work and do not do it properly, the boss will most probably ... you.

  9. To give sb a sack is synonymous with ... sb.

  10. If the company you've been working for cannot offer you work any more, you can be made ... .